Saturday, May 3, 2008

Information Security Policy

Qu & 39; is the security of & 39; information? The security policy of & 39; information, a number of suggestions (laws) of companies led to write, for their information system & 39; safe and immune against malicious attacks! Typically, this type of policy is to varying degrees collaborators, but the & 39; element common to all these measures - target! Policy can conjuct number of rules on all matters relating to security of information and & 39; l & 39; use of & 39; computer or separate rules on different themes, for example, e-mail, network security.Why physical or company needs the security policy of & 39; information? many computer systems can not, to be sure, but without these systems bussines life is difficult to imagine. Increasingly, companies and their computer systems and security networks are facing threats from d & 39; a wide range of sources, including support to the fraud, & 39; espionage, sabotage, vandalism, d & 39; d & 39; fire or flood. Sources of damage such as viruses, hackers and denail-of-service attacks have become more frequent, more and more ambitious and complex. And companies to make information system & 39; n & 39; is not secure enough, with modern technologies and software, but also all members of this company must cover a portion of the security policy process modeling System.Security Systems point to low and give advice, how to avoid, c & 39; is a policy them.How? There are several possibilities for the creation of & 39; a security policy, but the basic idea & 39; is the same. There are a number of issues on business, employees and to respond as specific information security awareness companies deal with these answers and & 39; write your own (business) policy & 39; security of information. Another way to implement this policy is the & 39; d & 39; use special software that automatically processes the answers, d & 39; assess risks and a policy. This track is easier and earlier is also less political has yet to be written in a form that is relevant, accessible and understandable to & 39; for readers! Is a political society. Qu & 39; east-what comes next? Now, is a director of the company & 39; appoint a person to the policy of & 39; observation of written rules. This person has the introduction of all personnel of these rules and also published and make this policy are at your disposal. Now, this person must d & 39; review and monitor how those rules are implemented in life. This person was very close to directors and regularly inform & 39; s & 39; ago problems.Problems! Normally, the problems start whith impementing the rules of political life. People have led to a change in their daily work and try to abide by these rules of reference. It is always difficult, but there are many ways to stimulate, or even push them to do so. This process is more specific easly-E-Learning courses, provision of security of information & 39; awareness of enterprises, for example, Infosecuritylab. Likewise, managers can develop a kind of bonuss system employies the mention of these rules or ignore these warnning!
Article Source: Security of Information Awareness & 39;

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