Wednesday, April 16, 2008

When will you need it?

Learn about the common causes of data loss and a few pointers on how to keep data loss factors at bay. These include managing your files properly, buying good technical equipment and ensuring that your system has valid and up-to-date virus protection.
There are many factors leading to data loss, the most popular and regular factor, which leads to important loss of data, is human error. Unfortunately, this is unavoidable. Human error, being the most common case of data loss, happens very regularly to businesses and individuals in their private lives.
In most cases the data loss is not vitally important, however it does happen from time to time that when someone accidentally deletes a file, or formats a memory device, that the information lost is either financially important to a business or irreplaceable persona files and information such as photos.
When the lost data is highly important to you as an individual, or important to your business, this is when you will need and should consider using the services of a Data Recovery company. Data Recovery companies are experienced and skilled in retrieving lost data. For those who have lost some vital information and do not know how to get it back, call in the professionals to asses your data loss situation.
Data recovery companies have a high data recovery success rate, often ensuring data recovery in the most dire of situations. The best advice any data recovery company will offer is for the user to stop trying to retrieve the lost data themselves, as this can often override and overwrite any retrievable file.
We recommend that you try to prevent any data loss disaster by identifying the main data loss factors:
Manage your files properly this will help avoid any accidental deletion. By choosing an appropriate place to store your files, you will ensure fast and efficient retrieval. Always back-up your important files onto a CD or DVD. These backed up files can be useful to remove some heavy files off your system such as a digital camera memory stick, or the hard drive of your computer.
Buy good technical equipment this means that when you go out and buy a computer, computer parts, camera, CD s or DVD s and related devices you can be assured that your hardware and software is in good working order; often these will come with a guarantee or warrantee. This can also affect file corruption issues, which means that if you know your equipment is of the best standard possible, there is less likely going to be file damage and corruption issues.
Ensure your system has valid and up-to-date virus protection. Viruses are easy to pick-up off the internet, so it is important for you to ensure viruses do not corrupt your system, often making your computer slower and eventually causing irreparable damage.
Many other influencing factors could lead to data loss; however, the points raised above cover the most common data loss factors. We recommend that you protect yourself and your business against data loss issues by regularly performing a backup of your important documents and files. This means that you will always have a copy of these, when data loss happens to you.
Phil Smulian writes for data recovery experts who will supply professional disc recovery, Data Detect South Africa.

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